Library Code of Conduct

Library Code of Conduct

      1. The Library Board of Trustees has established the rules and regulations governing use of the library, such that all persons may enjoy the benefits of the Library. Individuals visiting or using the Library's facilities or services ("patrons") must comply with the Patron Code of Conduct. Failure to comply with the Patron Code of Conduct may result in the use of the Library and its services being denied. 
      2. To ensure access to the library services and for the safety of all users the following behaviors are prohibited in the Library:
        1. Activities or behavior that may result in injury or harm to any other person.
        2. Directing a specific threat of physical harm against an individual, group of individuals, or property.
        3. Engaging in sexual conduct or lewd behavior.
        4. Possession, use, selling, or distribution of any regulated drug.
        5. Destroying, abusing, or damaging library resources.
        6. Using library resources in a manner likely to cause personal injury or injury to other persons or property.
        7. Engaging in conduct that unreasonably disrupts or interferes with the normal operation of the library, or unreasonably disturbs library staff or patrons, including but not limited to, conduct that involves: (a) the use of abusive, threatening, or harassing language or gestures; (b) conduct that creates unreasonable noise; (c) conduct that consists of loud or boisterous physical behavior or talking; or (d) entering staff-only spaces without permission.
        8. Using a cell phone or other electronic device that is audible to others. 
        9. Using library resources in a manner inconsistent with their intended use.
        10. Being under the influence of alcohol or a regulated drug.
        11. Possessing an open or unsealed container which contains an alcoholic beverage, or consuming or attempting to consume any alcoholic beverage, except as allowed at a library-approved event.
        12. Possessing marijuana unless the person is a registered patient in possession of a valid registration card under the provisions of the State of Vermont Therapeutic Use of Cannabis Act at 18 V.S.A. § 4201, et seq.
        13. Consuming or otherwise using marijuana.
        14. Smoking or vaping any substance of any kind.
        15. Failing to abide by posted library rules, including rules for: (a) the acceptable use of the internet and library computers; (b) use of personal electronic equipment; (c) use of designated library facilities.
        16. Failing to follow the reasonable direction of library staff related to a library rule or policy.
        17. Use or preparation of tobacco products, bidis, beedies, or tobacco substitutes as those terms are defined in 7 V.S.A. § 1001.
        18. Interfering with the free passage of library staff or visitors to the library.
        19. Soliciting, petitioning, or canvassing unless the activity is part of a program in a space designated for or expressly permitting the activity.
        20. Taking library resources into restrooms.
      3. Use of the Library or its services may be denied by the Librarian for due cause. including, but not limited to, failure to return books or materials, destruction of Library property, disturbance of other patrons or any other objectionable conduct on the premises.
  • Children in the Library
    1. Parents or legal guardians are always responsible for the well-being and safety of their children. The Library assumes no responsibility for children of any age left unattended at the library. Parents or legal guardians assume all liability for damage done by their children to library property.
    2. Children in grade three or younger shall, at all times, be attended and adequately supervised by a responsible person at least sixteen years old while in the Library.
    3. Children in fourth grade or older may use the library unattended, subject to the other rules and regulations in effect at The Library.
    4. The library staff is particularly concerned about children who may be unattended when the library closes. In order to ensure the child’s safety after the library closes, a staff member will determine if the child is aware of a pick-up schedule. If not, the child will be invited to make a phone call to make immediate arrangements to get home safely. If no arrangement can be made or a ride does not arrive within twenty minutes after closing and the child is in grade four or lower, a staff member will call the Vermont State Police who will plan for the child to be safely cared for.
    5. If the Library must close unexpectedly (e.g. due to extreme weather or power outage after sunset) all children will be asked to notify their parents. Staff will wait with children for twenty minutes after parents have been notified. After twenty minutes, a staff member will call the Vermont State Police to plan for the care of any remaining children in grade four or lower.
    6. Parents and guardians of children younger than twelve have the right to oversee such children’s accounts.
    7. The library records and activities of individuals age twelve and older are not subject to oversight.
    8. Unless authorized by other provisions of the law, the library’s officers, employees and volunteers shall not disclose the records of library patrons except to custodial parents or guardians of patrons under the age of twelve. 
    9. The library affirms the right and responsibility of parents/guardians to determine and monitor their minor, under twelve, children’s use of library resources. 
    10. The Library is not responsible for enforcing any restrictions or monitoring the use of library resources of children of any age.